Magazine Cover |
The cover page of this magazine, 'Mojo' focuses on the band Pink Floyd. The cover contains one main image. It is a medium shot of the band, Pink Floyd. This is connected to the double page spread as the double page spread uses different images of the same band. Also the article focuses completely on them.
Double Page Spread |
House Style
The cover and the double page spread are also linked through house style links. This has been done in a couple of ways. The first of which is the simplistic use of black and white text and background. The image used on the cover doesn't contain any bright colours to coincide with the black and white images on the double page spread. The next is the orange and blue background on the cover that is also featured in the double page spread.
The double page spread uses simple serif text and the main image is of the artist the text is about. The double page contains a lot of images relating to the band, 'Pink Floyd' but there is one main image. The other images are a lot smaller and are close ups of faces of other artists who are giving their view on the band. Their is a secondary image next to the main image. They are both in black and white which makes for a smooth flow between the images.
The article is a retrospective article and its main focus is to show how Pink Floyd have developed over the years, whereas the article on the right is various reviews by other artists.
The article could also be seen as somewhat of a review.
Some graphics have been used in the double page spread. It is an orange and blue fiery graphic. It doesn't add anything to the article but does create house style from the cover.
The article is traditional to most articles by starting with a drop capital. There is a pulled quotation situated above the copy,
This could give an insight to what to expect from the article. It could also be a way of quickly deciding if you are going to read the article.
The article contains rhetorical questions
'Where exactly did Pink Floyd think they were going?' This is a way of keeping the reader involved with the text which in turn gets them intrigued and makes them want to carry on reading.
The article does not contain direct address, which could be seen as a bad thing, however it coincides with the article not using any colloquial language. This keeps the magazine more formal and has sophisticated connotations.
The article also contains hyperbole. This is done to exaggerate the story to make it seem more interesting than it is. An example of its use is,
'Building from a languorous introduction before disintegrating into a cacophony of spooked sound effects'
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